The Foundation

The Foundation

A group of family, friends, and community leaders formed a scholarship fund in memory of the Antonakos family. We want to honor the family and the many positive attributes they exhibited in and out of the classroom. The kids were multi-sport athletes, served students with disabilities as peer-buddies in PE and Special Olympics, involved with student government, and the type of student that every teacher and every school loves to have. Kim and Melet made a difference in our community and schools with their relentless support and leadership of PTA, athletics and the improvement of all around them.

The goal of the Foundation is to overcome “tragedy” and place focus on the memory of a family that did more, loved more and served more and made a great difference in the short time they were with us in body. We draw from the strength of their spirit to reward and grow through community service. As we think back and reflect, they did more than just come to school. They did more than just play a sport. They did more than just make good grades. The Antonakos family was involved in many things and worked hard to do their best at each activity, exemplifying excellence, leadership and service.

Our vision is to use their example to inspire current and future students at Sara Collins, Beck Academy, JL Mann High School and other Greenville County high schools to serve their communities and influence others by setting an example of strong character and solid work ethic. If that can be the legacy we leave, that would be a worthy goal. These funds will used to reward graduating seniors scholarships from 1-4 years and will be based on applications that are submitted.

Board Members

Mary Catherine and Scott Davis
Laura and Jeff Mazzola
Lynn and Joel Norwood
Ashley and Tracey Underwood

Committee Members

Mary Margaret and Bruce Bannister
Michelle and Dustin Caudell
Katie and John Chastain
Catherine and Gary Daniels
Beth and John Henry
Shannon and Chuck Reilly
Maridel and the late Bob Shaw
Lea & David Pinion
Download the Antonakos Foundation Board Determination Letter.
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